
Here is an overview of the new commands this module adds into CommandBox for you.

task service create
task service remove
task service update
task service start
task service stop
task service restart
task service status

Each of the task service XXX commands above accept the taskFile parameter that points to the Task Runner.

If you provide no params, the default is task.cfc. If you want to create a service for a task of a different name or in a different folder, you will need to provide this parameter.

server service create

Create a new service. To customize the service, pass params, set values in your task.cfc in a struct located in this.service.

Note: you must be using an Administrator user (Windows) or root (*nix) to create services. You can start box as such, but keep in mind on *nix, this changes your runtime user, and thus your CommandBox home.

server service remove

Remove an existing service. Does not affect the task.cfc itself. Use --force to also stop the service if necessary.

server service update

Update an existing service. To customize the service, pass params, or set them in the task.cfc in a this.service struct at the top of the CFC. Use --force to also stop the service if necessary. (Service will be restarted if it was originally running)

server service start

Start a service. Once you start a task via the service, you should also stop and start it via the service as well.

server service stop

Stop a service. Note, killing the task process directly instead of server service stop may cause the service to start again by itself if the exitAction is set to restart.

server service restart

Restart a service

server service status

Get status information for a service. Use --verbose to get additional information.

CommandBox Home

CommandBox installs system modules and saves settings and servers into a .CommandBox folder inside the home directory of the current user running the box process. For instance, a brad user on Windows and *nix might have their CommandBox home in these locations:


What happens when you run a Windows service as the "Local System" account (the default) or a Linux service as root (required to bind to ports below 1024) is the CommandBox home directory changes to match the new user that the process runs as.


This is unexpected and often times catches people off guard. This "second" installation of CommandBox will not have your modules installed, neither will it have any default config settings as all of this data is stored on a per-user basis.

This can be made to work, but is undesirable since it prevents you from running task run inside CommandBox as yourself and getting the same results. The easy fix is to lock all users into using the same CommandBox home dir. To do this, choose a folder that has read/write permissions to all users who need to use CommandBox. Then create a file in the same directory as your box or box.exe binary. Add a line defining a property called commandbox_home that points to the shared home dir. Remember to either use forward slashes or escape all backslashes.


This setting will take affect on your next run of box and a new, empty home will be created there. if you wish, you can transfer all your settings, by stopping CommandBox and all servers, manually copying over the current .CommandBox folder to the new location first. CommandBox will pick up the folder and use it if it's already there and everything inside is portable.

Last updated

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